Gergana is the HR Manager for Classic Exhibits Inc.

In June of 2024 Gergana started getting random 102-104 degree fevers with NO explanation.  After multiple tests over 3-4 weeks doctors finally opted to do an Echocardiogram and TEE Test to get images of her heart. That is when they found that her heart, at only 28 years old, had a serious bacterial infection throughout her Aorta and the surrounding area on the heart . . . it was progressively failing.

Options were limited but included open heart surgery to remove her Aorta and replace it with a healthy cadaver donor aorta, pig aorta or mechanical aorta. Unfortunately any of these options would create difficulties in starting a family.   Gergana and her new fiancée Grant prayed over the process and chose to press forward with using a cadaver Aorta and tissue. This will/would allow them an 8–12-year window to start a family before having a more permanent mechanical valve installed thru another open heart surgery.

Surgery is set for 8/23/24. Recovery will be a minimum of 6 weeks and as much as 12 weeks depending on how well her body takes to the new Aorta. While Gergana wants all to know that she does have 2 weeks of vacation, she does not have the sick time or vacation to cover her entire leave or the estimated $18,000 in wages and copay medical expenses that will come with this procedure.   Any and all help will be gratefully accepted and appreciated from the industry she has grown to call her own.