Golf Sponsor Opportunities
Corporate Sponsorship $5,000
Includes 4 golfer packages, banner at tennis court, plus 8 additional banquet tickets, special recognition gift, company name on RSMGC web site for up to 6 months prior to event, company or individual name on beverage cart that runs throughout the course for the duration of the event, and on special “Corporate Sponsor” signage throughout the course. Digital logo stating “Proud Corporate Sponsor of the RSMGC”.
Platinum Sponsorship $3,000
Includes 4 golfer packages, plus 4 additional banquet tickets, appreciation plaque company name on RSMGC web site for up to 3 months prior to event, company or individual name on beverage cart that runs throughout the course for the duration of the event, and on special “Platinum Sponsor” signage throughout the course. Digital logo stating “Proud Platinum Sponsor of the RSMGC”.
Gold Sponsorship $1,750
Includes 2 golfer packages, plus 2 additional banquet tickets, company name on special “Gold Sponsor” signage throughout the course. Digital logo stating “Proud Gold Sponsor of the RSMGC”.
Beverage Cart Sponsorship $1,000
Includes 2 additional banquet tickets, company or individual name on beverage cart that runs throughout the course for the duration of the event. Digital logo stating “Proud Beverage Cart Sponsor of the RSMGC”.
Silver Sponsorship $500
Includes 1 additional banquet ticket, company name on special “Silver Sponsor” signage throughout the course. Digital logo stating “Proud Silver Sponsor of the RSMGC”.
Hole Sponsorship $250
Company or individual name on “Hole Sponsor” on-course signage. Digital logo stating “Proud Hole Sponsor of the RSMGC”.
Family Patron $150
Your family name on a special banner at the event.
Individual Patron $95
Your name on a special banner at the event.