SEE YOU at the 30th Anniversary



Chateau Elan in
Braselton, GA

September 22, 2025

- Flight #1 - 112

- Flight #2 - 112

More info

See You at

Get Out of the Gutter

Bowlmor in Atlanta, GA

August 22, 2024

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Sign up now for

Chicago Randy

July 29,2024

Itasca Country Club in
Itasca, IL

Register Here.

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What the Randy Smith Means to Me

When we concluded the 30th anniversary of the Randy Smith Memorial Golf Classic, we have asked members of the trade show industry to share their thoughts and impressions of what the Randy Smith has meant to them. We are sharing this collection of thoughts with our industry peers knowing that if you have attended this event even once since its inception you have been touched as well.

First and foremost I must say what a “Blessed day” this is.  Today, my family received the check from the “Randy Smith Memorial”.

Me and my family would like to thank, the board, and all its members.  We would like to thank the wonderful people who donate to this cause every year, and just every blessed soul, that participates in this wonderful event.

Thank you,

Irish Bender / MC2

I received the fed-ex with the check from the Randy.    I am so very thankful for this generous gift,and am thankful for the opportunity to have participated in this event.  I am also happy that I was able to speak on behalf of my husband and share a little with everyone.

Heidi Hopper / wife of John Hopper, Nth Degree

I just wanted to let you know I received the check.  I am blown away by the caring it represents of those who gave but also the organization that puts this all together.

You all make a difference.

Thank you!

Dan Griffin / Czarnowski

Ancillary Events

In addition to our main fundraising event in Atlanta each October, the RSMGC also produces  a number of ancillary events in select trade show cities so that those who can’t get to Atlanta can support our efforts.

If you’d like to support the RSMGC by developing an Ancillary Event in your town please download and complete the RSMGC Ancillary Event Application.