Walter worked in the tradeshow and event and entertainment industry for thirty years. He started his career in Southern CA after realizing that the acting gig was not going to pay the rent and take care of their first born. He moved into the tradeshow industry when he took a position with TTE Scenic Studios out of Atlanta in 1994. He worked in multiple disciplines-Project Manager, Scenic Fabricator, on site carpenter and Installation supervisor. He went on to work in these positions for another 2 years with Entolo Atlanta. In 2000 he made the move to Imagination where he settled in for 14 years. He spent the last few years of his career freelancing after his partnership with Imagination ended. He worked with Go Experience Design, Chicago Stage Productions, Proscenium, MJM Production, Todd Street Productions, GPJ, Innocean Worldwide, and finally with PRG Scenic Technology.
When this terrible disease called ALS started taking more control of his body Walter had to stop working in the trade. Walter spent 2 years with various doctors and a massive amount of tests they finally determined that he has this awful disease, ALS. He was officially diagnosed in 2014. There is no cure, no treatment just management of each symptom. Each new loss will require equipment for survival. He has not been working since September of 2016. He is considered at this point a slow progresser and no two ALS patients are alike or progress in the same way. His family has had an outpouring of love and support however the medical bills will continue to be a big burden as the disease continues to take hold of his life. We are all hoping and praying for a cure in the near future.