Business/ Corporate Giving
The Randy Smith Foundation relies on the generosity of the companies who make their living in the trade show industry, and we are very grateful for their contributions.
We have a complete slate of Sponsor Offerings to choose from, or you can take a page out of the Czarnowski book from 2016.
They challenged all their offices to get involved in an RSMGC fundraising campaign with a matching contribution from the owner.
We are ever grateful for whatever support you can provide.
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Family Giving
The Randy Smith Foundation is all about trade show industry families helping other families in need. Help us to support those that are suffering by making your financial contribution today.
Just click the link to make a financial Donation.
Thanks for your support.
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Raffle Items & Swag Gift Bag Items
Another great way to support the RSMGC is to offer up items of value for our event raffle. Each year we are overwhelmed with items like flat screen TVs, golf equipment and apparel, gift cards and more.
We are also always interested in items we can add to the Swag bags that are provided to our golfers like golf balls, golf towels, water bottles and other items of interest and value to our golfers.
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